Faithful Hospitality, Flourishing Communities

Love My Neighbor (Love MN) is a collective of churches partnering to open our buildings with a posture of faithful hospitality, offering spaces of belonging for all, and committed to the greater flourishing of our communities.

Find Love MN Spaces

Photo by Leonard Dahmen:
Photo by Leonard Dahmen:

Faithful Hospitality

Faithful Hospitality

Faithful Hospitality

We're partnering through thisspace and Flourish Placemaking Collective to do things differently, together.

Flourishing Communities

Flourishing Communities

Flourishing Communities

We believe in the power of sharing space for belonging to lift up all people so our urban, suburban, and rural communities can flourish.

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Find Love MN Spaces

You can go straight to find spaces we're sharing through thisspace at the button above.

You can also get in touch to join our cohort of churches (and other faith-based and community-driven spaces) or to find out more via our mailing list (join below) or at

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