Member Resource Page

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Love My Neighbor (Love MN) is a collective of churches partnering to open our buildings with a posture of faithful hospitality, offering spaces of belonging for all, and committed to the greater flourishing of our communities.

Love My Neighbor (Love MN) is a collective of churches partnering to open our buildings with a posture of faithful hospitality, offering spaces of belonging for all, and committed to the greater flourishing of our communities.

Love My Neighbor (Love MN) is a collective of churches partnering to open our buildings with a posture of faithful hospitality, offering spaces of belonging for all, and committed to the greater flourishing of our communities.

Learn More

Our members have posted their available spaces on thisspace for the community to share. Check out our listings below to inquire about how we can help our communities flourish together.

Our members have posted their available spaces on thisspace for the community to share. Check out our listings below to inquire about how we can help our communities flourish together.

Our members have posted their available spaces on thisspace for the community to share. Check out our listings below to inquire about how we can help our communities flourish together.

Find Love MN Spaces

Love MN is powered by a partnership between Flourish Placemaking Collective and thisspace in collaboration with our growing cohort of churches in and around Minneapolis & St. Paul.

Love MN is powered by a partnership between Flourish Placemaking Collective and thisspace in collaboration with our growing cohort of churches in and around Minneapolis & St. Paul.

Love MN is powered by a partnership between Flourish Placemaking Collective and thisspace in collaboration with our growing cohort of churches in and around Minneapolis & St. Paul.